Charities for single parents provide support to mothers and fathers who are raising kids on their own. These 501(c)3 a non-profit organizations donate food and supplies, offer financial assistance, and provide educational and emotional support—and many offer a little bit of everything to help underserved families in need.

Whether you want to help one of these worthy organizations via a tax-exempt donation or are seeking help for your own family, these eight charities aid, benefit, and guide single moms and dads, and they’re truly great places to give.

Before donating to any charity, request a copy of its IRS Form 990, or consult GuideStar, a charity navigator that confirms tax-exempt status, financial fitness, and legitimacy.

01 of 08

Bridge of Hope

Logo for the nonprofit organization, Bridge of Hope.
Bridge of Hope

The non-profit Bridge of Hope organization teams up with churches and Christian organizations to support and mentor single parents and their children who are facing homelessness. The organization helps families find places to live and provides them with emotional support and even financial mentoring. The program lasts roughly 18 to 24 months, allowing families ample time and opportunities to make long-term changes.

02 of 08

Parents Without Partners

Logo for the nonprofit organization, Parents Without Partners.
Parents Without Partners

Parents Without Partners is a mutual-support organization giving parents and kids the opportunity to meet others like them to cultivate feelings of acceptance and belonging, instead of isolation and insecurity. The non-profit supports single parents and their children with opportunities for enhancing personal growth, self-confidence, and sensitivity toward others. Parenting techniques are taught in a safe environment that fosters encouragement and friendship.

03 of 08

Fellowship Housing

The logo for Fellowship Housing, a nonprofit charity helping single mothers.
Fellowship Housing

The needs of homeless or near-homeless single moms are Fellowship Housing‘s first priority. The 501(c)3 a non-profit’s two-year program gives qualifying mothers a safe place to live in one of its apartment buildings, as well as one-on-one mentoring and financial training designed to help increase income and savings. It also administers access to key resources like counseling, career training, and food. Once two years have elapsed, it helps to secure permanent housing.

04 of 08

Helping Hands For Single Moms

The logo for Helping Hands for Single Moms, a nonprofit charity helping single mothers.
Helping Hands For Single Moms

Helping Hands For Single Moms provides scholarships, financial assistance, and all-around support to low-income single moms pursuing college degrees while raising children. This non-profit also goes way beyond financial aid by helping to reconcile everyday costs, from assisting with car repairs to children’s textbook purchases and professional counseling, and offering monthly support groups.

05 of 08

Single Mothers Outreach

The logo for Single Mothers Outreach, a nonprofit charity helping single mothers.
Single Mothers Outreach

By offering a variety of free services, such as access to housing, childcare, food, legal representation, emotional support groups, and financial and technological education, Single Mothers Outreach guides single mothers to self-reliance. This non-profit also offers computer courses, as well as English- and Spanish-language classes too.

06 of 08

Single Parent Advocate

The logo for Single Parent Advocate, a nonprofit charity helping single mothers.
Single Parent Advocate

Single Parent Advocate is a faith-based organization working to support single-parent families throughout the United States. Empowerment is this non-profit’s primary focus, and it works with churches, businesses, and other non-profits to build unique, customized support systems that bolster families in need of financial assistance, credit counseling, childcare, access to education, employment opportunities, and legal advocacy, among other exigencies.

07 of 08

The Singletons

The logo for The Singletons, a nonprofit charity helping single parents with cancer.
The Singletons

This non-profit administers day-to-day and financial support for single-parent families in which the parent or child has been diagnosed with cancer. The Singletons also gives bare necessities in the form of household items like laundry detergent and paper towels, a monthly stipend to cover utility or rent payments, nutritious meals, in addition to a powerful emotional support group, and kids’ programs designed to boost morale and create lasting memories.

08 of 08

Warrick Dunn Charities

The logo for Warrick Dunn Charities, a nonprofit group helping single parents outfit their homes.
Warrick Dunn Charities

Warrick Dunn Charities lessens the burden on new, single-parent homeowners by covering a portion of their downpayment, furnishing their homes, and stocking their pantries with food. Beyond making houses homes, this charity also hosts financial education and healthy eating workshops and awards need-based college scholarships.